Friends and Family

This is a picture of my favorite Aunt (left), and my two favorite cousins Mick (center) and Lynn (right).  They live on a farm near Butler, PA.  Mick is a sophomore at the University of North Carolina majoring in turf grass management, and Lynn is a freshmen at Louisiana State University majoring in animal bioscience.  Despite the fact that we are so far apart, we are still quite close.  I rely on them for nearly everything!

This is a picture of one of my roommates, Erika.  I took this picture of her and her iguana, Terrance, when I was visiting her over Christmas break.  We had a great time that weekend.  Erika is a great person and a close friend.  She also rocks at writing poetry!  I'm so glad that we ended up being roommates this year!

My other roommate Stacey, is a character who broke the mold.  Her affectionate nickname is the 'Meatball' - appointed by Erika and I. She's the crazy girl of 284 Simmons Hall, but we'd be lost without her.  She's a great listener and a loyal friend.  We've had many great times together, and I hope they continue!